Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The most interesting piece of information that I found out at training last night, is that every Peace Corps volunteer is paired with their own personal gendarme. Essentially, the King of Morocco wants to make sure that all of the volunteers are safe and nothing happens to them. So, he has enlisted these gendarmes specifically to watch over the volunteers.

The format of the relationship we will have with these gendarmes has not been thoroughly discussed. We might meet them, or they might be that shady character we see around our village following us... who knows. For comedic value I think the latter would be hilarious. To be honest though, I have no idea how this is going to work.

Its good to know that the King of Morocco is thinking about our safety and has a special force to make sure we remain safe.

SHUKS! (A shortened form of "shukran" (thank you) that my arabic professor used. He is actually a berber from Morocco.)

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